The Fire in you

Author - Salat Sajiyah
04 January. | 6 min read

A fire which never let you sleep more than 7 hours. A fire which have a patience for a bright future.A fire which pushes you everyday to learn something new, no matter if it is make a perfect roti or to learn a digital marketing. A fire which gives light when you are in a hard time. A fire which don’t let you give up . A fire which told as you can do it .A fire which resist you to go in a wrong direction. A fire which pushes you into the best version of your’s. A fire which tells that if xyz can , why can’t you? A fire which wakes me up with a cup of coffee and a book. A fire which do a deep research on everything good for a future. A fire which relate us with a life of a struggler. A fire which plays best in a game named life.

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